The opportunity to try NIK software presented itself…and my first digitally created image, Great Wave, crashed onto the computer screen. I had just returned from Giverny, where Monet’s garden and his Japanese wood-block print collection that included Hokusai’s Great Wave drenched my senses…
All images in this portfolio, Water Music, and exhibition, Holly Meets Hokusai, stem from original digital files captured in the Ke’anae Peninsula in Maui several years earlier
These original digital files sat dormant until re-discovery and re-creation gushed and flowed forth.
Just as water crashed onto the lava rock shoreline, my creative discovery led to a creative explosion.
The camera is my paintbrush and the viewfinder is my canvas.
I felt embodied by Jackson Pollock as I photographed the rhythm of the changing surf with its endless variety of drips and sprays.
The experience was physical and kinetic…and spiritual.
In a chariot driven by cyber-horses, I was taking the ride of my life…to yet to be discovered destinations!
Using my remote control and changing camera settings, I captured sprays, drips and surging rushes of water that tirelessly filled my viewfinder.
The splashing waters danced rhythmically and endlessly creating a continuous flow of new patterns.
Earlier art training in woodcuts and lithography bubbled to the surface. Some images looked like copper-plate etchings…and some like Asian brush-paintings…my creativity was flowing…
Inspired by Monet and embodied by Jackson Pollack, I am part of the creative continuum of art.
After traveling the globe for decades I have traveled into cyber-space. With NIK software as my trusty compass, I have re-created reality.
Hokusai had his 100 views of Edo and I have my 100 plus views of the Ke’anae Peninsula.
Hokusai was a teacher in his earlier life…and so was I.
Hokusai wanted to live to be 140 to become a master of his art…and so do I.
Hokusai’s Great Wave brought him fame and recognition. Whether my Great Wave will do the same remains to be seen…but I am definitely riding an exhilarating wave of creativity and discovery!
I can make the powerful surge of water cloak the rugged shore line with a tender caress
The camera is my conduit to how I choose to see the world and how I shall respond to it. Here the crashing water is sharp like visual staccato…music to my eyes whereas the previous image # 5057 is a visual musical slurring.